
Q&A: What is the treatment for Varicocele?

What is the treatment for Varicocele?

surgery. till then, wear supportIs treatment for varicocele in adult necessary? Any health risk if not treated?

Varicocele increases temperature in the scrotum , and this seriously depresses spermatogenesis. The scrotum especiaaly lt. side hangs down. You have to find out the cause also. If left vein of the kidney is obstrcuted then there will be varicocele. AND SOMETIMES IT MAY BE DUE TO HYPERNEPHROMA OF THE KIDNEY.Usually there is no cause found. No treatment is necessary unless the varicocele isthought to contribute to infertility, painful or so large as to disturb the person. Scrotal support and reassurance is enough, Otherwie surgey is necesssary.A varicocele that decreases in size when lying down, and is on the left side of an adult with a normal sized left testicle, and no problem or concern with fertiltiy, and no discomfort requires no treatment. Right sided varicocles, ones that are large and do not decrease in size require evaluation as to the reason they are present. Believe it or not, a varix on the right side may indicate an obstruction of the vein that drains the right kidney - this is seen with kidney tumors. Non reducing varicoceles also suggest the possibility of some type of vein obstruction. These are reaseons to get checked out.

If none are present, and simple varicocele is the diagnosis, the reasons for surgery are to protect or at times increase fertility (if the sperm count is low or growth of the testis is restricted in teens), or if the varix causes discomfort due to size or a sensaton of heaviness on the affected side.

If no surgery is indicated - just have it evaluated yearly by the same doc (ideally) - and keep an eye our yourself for any changes.
Methods Used : Treatment for Infertility

Article by Alice Brown

If a couple is finding it difficult to conceive, they definitely dread the diagnosis of infertility. Either or both husband and wife can be affected by infertility. To establish the best treatment for infertility, it is important to first diagnose its cause. There are so many probable causes that can hinder a couple from successfully creating their baby. But the good news is that most causes of infertility are treatable. Today, there are different methods used in the treatment for infertility.Fertility drugs have been used for a very long time in the treatment for infertility. Different types of fertility drugs have a specific function to increase a person's fertility. One example is clomiphine. This fertility drug is popular as treatment for infertility caused by ovulation problems in women. Studies show that clomiphine is able to induce ovulation in 60% to 80% of women who are infertile. And out of these, about 30% to 40% successfully conceive. Like other therapeutic medications, fertility drugs also have adverse effects like multiple fetus, headaches, and others.

Surgical procedures are also used as treatment for infertility. Reproductive surgical procedures are used to treat 85% to 90% of infertility cases. Among men who are infertile, reproductive surgical procedures are varicocele repair, vasectomy reversal, and others. Among women who are infertile, reproductive surgical procedures are fibroid removal, removal of endometriosis implants, and others.

With the continuous research in infertility, different assisted reproductive procedures were created as treatment for infertility. These include in-vitro fertilization, cryopreservation, intracytoplasmic sperm injection, artificial hatching, blastocyst culture, and many more.

For many centuries now, people also use natural herbs in treatment for infertility. Certain herbs have shown capability in treating the different causes of infertility in men and woman. Some herbs normalize hormones which is important to aid in conception. Examples of these herbs are false unicorn root, raspberry leaf, stinging nettle, and others. Problems with sperm count and motility can be treated with panax ginseng and astralagus.

The simplest form of treatment for infertility is having to make lifestyle changes. Certain factors affect fertility and it is important to address these in order to aid in conception. These lifestyle changes include smoking cessation, decrease or no alcohol consumption, observing proper diet, and regular exercise.

Orignal From: Q&A: What is the treatment for Varicocele?

1 comment:

  1. Men usually do not come to know that they have varicose veins in the scrotum (varicocele) till the time when they are unable to impregnate the female partner and then evaluated for infertility. Infertility may affect 1 in 6 couples, and in approximately 40% of cases, it is due to issues found in male fertility. Moreover, among those 40% cases, varicoceles can occur in 15% of males facing infertility. However, the good news is that there are fertility treatment options to treat infertility caused due to a varicocele.
