
when can i masturbate after a varicocele surgery ?

when can i masturbate after a varicocele surgery ?

This is a question for your doctor only. If you can't reach him, as a safety precaution, you should wait six weeks after surgery.for how long i must wait to masturbate after a varicocele surgery?

Call your doctor for this information. But word it this way. "how long until I can ejaculate after my varicocele surgery?" That's part of what you are paying for!How ever long your doctor said to wait when you asked him after or prior to surgery. If you didnt ask well thats your problem for not bein pro active. Call the doctor or his nurse and ask. My guess would be no sooner than a week possibly two.

-ConnorActually varicocele surgery and ejaculation have no direct dependence. But ejaculation is accompanied by stiff muscles in the lower part of the body. That is what may by painful and unwanted for your operated area. The wound is not tight yet, what if it opens? Find other things to think about.
In mho when you are ready to walk fast (feeling but little pain) you may have a try.

Orignal From: when can i masturbate after a varicocele surgery ?

1 comment:

  1. I masterbate after 11 days of my microsurgical varicocelectomy. now I am in fear that it may reoccurre or can cause unwanted problem tell me problem that I can face due this mistake
