
Q&A: Why testicular pain after dry sex w/out orgasm? Lead to infertility?

Why testicular pain after dry sex w/out orgasm? Lead to infertility?

no dear its normal...basically it happens wen u get exite a lot but do not ejaculate...just do the mastervate it will be normal ..enjoy and relaxtotally normal...it's called having a case of blue balls.....Varicocele, male infertility?

Hi TW, there are three types of surgery and one so called "non surgical" procedure. The three surgeries all involve surgical ligation, i.e. surgery to tie off the faulty veins. Please look artile: http://www.askedweb.com/askedweb/Varicocele_Surgery_Options/
In a conventional varicocelectomy the doctor makes a two or three inch incision below the groin area or in the abdomen. He goes in and ties off the offending veins. This procedure is performed on an outpatient basis (i.e. no overnight hospital stay) using general or spinal anesthesia.

Your husband may need to avoid strenuous activity for several days or even weeks after surgery. Most men are able to go back to work within three to four days.

This is the most common procedure. You may have a hard time finding a doctor who can do one of the other procedures, get a thorough examination for surgery and get consultation.
Jason Homan

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