
Are there any finance companies for IVF Treatment?

Are there any finance companies for IVF Treatment?

Unfortunately , unless you get a credit line from your bank, there is no finance company that will finance IVF fir a couple in their 50's. The likelihood of the procedure working at that age is less run 20%.I do not mean to be unkind by saying the obvious, but you are not at a good age to be taking on the responsibilities of a new born.

If you are already in your 50s, then how many more years do you realistically have to live? How many of those years will you be healthy enough to raise a kid? The average lifespan in developed countries is in the mid-70s. So if you are 55 today, then you have about a 50% of dying during the next 20 years (before reaching 75).

You also say that you don't have any money, so how are you going to support a child, especially after you retire? Please don't bring a kid into this world to live in poverty.

You need to think this whole thing through more.Can IVF treatment cause any sort of illness?

IVF is usually the last option following attempts at other ways of conceiving. Your doctor will advise you whether it's really necessary, considering your age too: if you have some hope of conceiving naturally, seeing that you're only 21, you should try every other option first.
IVF doesn't cause ovarian cancer but it's better to avoid hormone bombardments on your body if possible. Extended use of progesterone (which you need to use for a few weeks following transfer) can apparently give a slightly higher incidence of breast cancer, but that's after a very long time of treatment, not just a few weeks.
As regards the child, there may be a very slightly higher risk of heart defects and cleft palate, but the difference is minimal.
If you really need IVF treatment, don't worry too much about things as you will be very closely monitored to check for any problems before, during and after treatment.any proceedure carries a risk of an unsanitary nurse or piece of equipment being used. but as a mom of 2 great twins, how much do u want to be a mommy?? :)

do it and good luck nina!! remember, if its a girl, jennifer is a nice name!! ;)I got the same book you did before starting IVF. Of course this scared me and I brought this up with our RE. He said that they have been participating in a 15+ year study with over 50,000 women and found NO evidence that assisted reproductive technology (ART) has ANY long term effects to our health. Here is a link to an article I found on my clinics website
http://archive.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2007/8/13/84259.shtml?s=he It does say that progesterone use may be linked to breast cancer but was only based on 8 cases and further studies need to research that.

Here's another one. http://www.guttmacher.org/pubs/journals/3210000.html

One risk going through a cycle is ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) where your follicles get filled with fluids as a result of the stimulation medications. Know though that clinics will closely monitor your estradiol and progesterone levels and know if you are at risk for this. They can lower your medication doses, or give you another medication to stop the progress. I got a mild case of OHSS my last cycle (Out of 4) and just needed to get in lots of electrolytes and I was fine.

As for birth defects, the chance that an IVF baby will have a birth defect has not been definitively answered. That would require a large, rigorous study that followed IVF babies. There have been small insignificant studies where the findings are considered preliminary but researchers believe IVF does not carry excessive risks. There is a 3 percent chance that any given baby will have a birth defect. Another thing to mention is that there is an increased risk with multiples and IVF and multiple births can be risky because there is less space in the uterus possibly causing birth defect such as a heart problem, a shortened limb, a club foot, or a dislocated hip. Do know that the goal of fertility treatments is one baby and most IVF births are singletons.

I wish you luck in your journey!nina, i dont think jen said it quite right s i'll explain it more.

any medical proceedure has the risk of infection from outside sources, but the doc will explain them and you should ask all the questions you want to. its your body and this is extremely important to you and your spouse. so be a pain in the asz if you want, its your right.

if you feel you could be a good mom, do it and enjoy the fun it will bring you. but be very prepared to be let down before you end up holding your firstborn.

good luck and be safe!
Infertility's new Cure which combines Traditional Chinese methods with IVF treatment

Article by Smit

While psychological stress experienced during an IVF Acupuncture Infertility treatment cycle might not influence an IVF outcome, it is possible that the experience of IVF and fertility related apprehensions can result in stress levels that may lead to depression.IVF and infertility treatment has come as a blessing for keen families who could not conceive. It has truly revolutionised fertility treatments around the globe.

It is a common phenomenon to find women undergoing IVF /Acupuncture for infertility experiencing stress. The idea that generally goes strong among women undergoing IVF or other infertility treatment is their concerns and apprehensions about being able to conceive finally. However, the study published in the Oxford Journal called Human Reproduction clarifies that stress levels during the treatment did not affect the success rate of the treatment and the women were able to conceive without fail.

However, endeavors are going on to devise methods to reduce the stress discomfort by all possible means. In fact, IVF support has been devising newer and better techniques to counter stress among patients undergoing IVF and infertility treatment.

A look at a reputed IVF treatment clinic divulges emerging technological breakthroughs, including the latest IVF acupuncture. IVF support Acupuncture infertility treatment is a revolutionary new technique by the help of which the discomfort can be greatly moderated.

Finances can often be quite a worrisome factor for women to decide whether one must go ahead with IVF support or not. It can also cause stress. For many couples, the cost is truly worth the results once their bundle of joy is in the lap.

A good IVF treatment clinic specialises in all the facilities involved in the IVF support. Starting from basic IVF and fertility treatment before and after the transfer of the embryo and other difficult to treat fertility related disorders.

These clinics have witnessed stupendous 87% rate of success that translates the effectiveness of IVF and fertility relationship. Experts like Kenneth Snell have successfully applied the age old Chinese method of acupuncture and new age IVF treatment to come up with the revolutionary concept of IVF Acupuncture infertility treatment, which is very popular amongst fertility treatment seekers. IVF Support Acupuncture Infertility is different from usual IVF and infertility treatment simply on account that it assists or replaces the traditional treatment.

This treatment method also helps in reducing dependency on artificial methods. The herbal treatment is given so that a patient can be brought to a state in which she can get pregnant naturally. This treatment also helps in allowing her to be used in IVF support before and after the embryo has been placed into her. This in turn is as good as any natural fertility management treatment.

Orignal From: Are there any finance companies for IVF Treatment?

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