What causes infertility in males?
stds can cause a man to be infertile.. there are numbers of causes. you also can be infertile at birth.Sperm problems are the leading cause, and account for perhaps 75% of male infertility cases. On average about 100–750 million sperm are ejaculated during orgasm, but only a few hundred make it to the fallopian tube where the egg is fertilized. Any reduction in the sperm count or any problem with their quality reduces the chances of conception. To be of good quality, sufficient numbers of sperm must be "motile", i.e. moving positively rather than aimlessly swimming around in circles, and normally shaped rather than malformed. Enough sperm must also be capable of escaping from the seminal fluid in which they were ejaculated and of penetrating the woman's cervical mucus as well as the egg's outer covering. Testing for low sperm counts and other fertility issues raises extremely sensitive subjects. For many people, these fertility tests (especial sperm count testing) are embarrassing, especially if one has to take a test in a public facility, clinic or medical office. That's why there are fertility products and sperm count testing kits available for use in the privacy of your own home. You can read more about them heretighty whiteys,any tight pantsSTD, getting hit several times in the balls, your envirnment, stress, smoking, alcohol, drugs, and a natural low sperm count.Male fertility is dropping. There are a lot of psuedoestrogens in today's food supply. Stay away from soy products, they are the worst.STDs, certain viral infections like Mumps in childhood causing Orchitis (Inflammation of testes), Injuries, Tumors, Surgery for voluntary ifertility (Vasectomy).Honey there are many causes of male factor infertility, some are seen more commonly than others. These top causes of male factor infertility account for the majority of cases of infertility in men. Here is a listing of the top causes of infertility in men, in no particular order.
There are many types of infections that might cause sterility or low sperm counts in men. These can be recent infections or from childhood. Common infections can be mumps or certain types of sexually transmitted infections (STI).
Chronic Disease
Diseases that can effect hormonal controls and sperm production, particularly when not controlled are also causes of infertility. Diabetes, hypertension and other problems can all effect the fertility of men.
Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
If you have a problem getting or maintaining an erection then there will be problems getting the sperm out. Sometimes this is caused by a chronic illness like hypertension or heart problems, it can also be caused by paralysis.
Failure to Produce Sperm
If the body isn't producing sperm there can be many reasons. Some may be from hormonal issues of testicular failure, while others may be from treatments for certain illnesses and cancer like chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
Exposure to Harmful Substances
Environmental or work hazards can also lead to problems with fertility.
If you have experienced injury to your testicles you may also have issues with sperm production.
This is a varicosity, or varicose vein in the testicle. The varicosity damages the blood flow to the testes, making sperm production slowed or stopped.Taking birth control pills for a long time causes infertility?
I don't think so, but I'm no expertNo, there are a variety out there - just talking to your doctor about your long term plans will ensure that he prescribes the right one for you.
Lots of people need to take them for medical reasons and have babies without any problems.If it is true then I wouldn't be a father. My wife took them for 10 yrs or better. Then the youngsters came along.
What Causes Infertility?
Article by jv vizcarra
Infertility is the biological or psychological inability of a couple to conceive after repeatedly having unprotected sexual intercourse (while no other form of birth control is being used) for a period of time, usually twelve months or more. Infertility also refers to a woman's inability to carry a pregnancy to full term. There are many reasons for infertility. Studies show that female conditions account for over two thirds of the cases of infertility. The rest are caused by sperm irregularity and other unidentifiable factors.
So what causes infertility in women? Most cases of infertility are caused by hormonal deficiencies or imbalances, structural problems in the reproductive organs and some illnesses. Mechanical trauma and chemical disturbances from surgeries and potent medications can also negatively affect a woman's fertility.
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) is probably the most common cause of female infertility in the world. It is an infection of the reproductive organs and the pelvis in general. The inflammation and trauma to the organs can affect their structural integrity, making conception difficult. Moreover, the prolonged exposure to microorganisms and the scarring that result after the infection may cause blood poisoning and ectopic pregnancy.
Problems related to the adrenal gland and thyroid deficiencies may cause ovarian and hormonal problems. Any problem with the two organs can increase the production of prolactin. Prolactin is a hormone that stimulates the production of breast milk and prevents ovulation. High levels of prolactin in the body not only cause difficulty in conceiving but may also indicate a pituitary tumor.
Scarred tissues left after abdominal or vaginal surgeries may also impair conception. The traumatized areas may cause problems with regards to the movement of egg cells from the ovaries to the fallopian tubes and the uterus. Frequent abortions also leave scar tissues that can obstruct the uterus, leaving the egg cell and the sperm unable to meet.
Some medications such antibiotics, antidepressants and anti-inflammatory agents can impair infertility. Indirectly, these drugs can decrease estrogen and luteinizing hormones in the body which are needed for the maturation and release of mature egg cell.
'Are You Fertile?'
You can check the mucus yourself so that you can actually feel and see the difference when the change occurs. You can do this by wiping your vagina before urination. Making sure your hands are washed and clean, gently place your fingers into the opening of your vagina and collect a portion of the mucus. Note the consistency, color and elasticity of the mucus. If the mucus stretches by spreading the fingers without breaking and is clear in color, it is a sign that you are fertile.
Another way to check the state of your fertility is to know the position of your cervix. Many women do not realize this, but the cervix does change its placement during your cycle. Start by checking its position at the end of the period and do this daily at the same time to track your fertile periods.
Normally, the cervix is in a low position at the start of the cycle. However, the cervix transfers to a much higher position just before and during ovulation. You can check the position of the cervix yourself by inserting the middle finger into the vagina. Identifying the cervix is rather easy since it feels like a rounded cylindrical mass of tissue. Top Reasons for InfertilitySometimes, the reasons for infertility may start in the later part of life which may be brought about by illness or injury. For example, cystic fibrosis often causes infertility in men. There are factors which may heighten the occurrence of this problem since the number and quality of a man's sperm greatly depends on his overall health and lifestyle. Some things that may reduce a man's sperm count and the quality of that sperm are the use of alcohol, drugs, the presence of environmental toxins in the body such as pesticides and lead, smoking, health problems, certain medications, radiation treatment and chemotherapy.
When it comes to infertility in women, the most common problems relate to ovulation. Without the occurrence of ovulation, there will be no eggs to be fertilized. Some of the signs that a woman is not ovulating is that she is having irregular menstrual periods, or even lacks the periods entirely. Things that increase a woman's risk for infertility are the following: age, stress, poor diet, being overweight or underweight, smoking, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and other health problems that may cause hormonal changes.
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