is varicocele dangerous ? please please help me i am very tense.?
These are questions a doctor could answer the best.
1) Around 1 in 5 young guys have one
2) There is no solid evidence to support the idea that a varicocele leads to infertility, although about 40% of infertile men have a varicocele. Removal of the varicocele leads to a normalised temperature and so a higher sperm count. Although this is still debated.
3) No. Surgery is one option. Another is a thing called Varicocele Embolization. You can find out about it here (It is about half way down the page).
Thousands of people are cured every year for this so do not jump to conclusions! Have you been to the doctor's recently about this? Make an apointment to see what the best option is. How bad is the pain? If it is mild to moderate you should still go to the doctor's but this would obviously be a much less severe varicocele.
Have a nice day :)Had Varicocele when I was young could I be infertile later on?
The answer is most likely no. Varicoceles can inhibit sperm generation, but that effect usually goes away when the defect is corrected. Varicocelectomy can restore fertility to men who had them, and were previously infertile. Since your varicocele was corrected before puberty, the chances of your being infertile because of this are pretty much zero.
Do not depend on your history as a form of birth control or you may be the second one to find out your girlfriend is pregnant, okay, Stud?
Causes of Low Sperm count - An ayurvedic View
Article by Dr.Savitha Suri
Low sperm count, reduced sperm motility and malformed sperms are main causes for male infertility. There are various biological and environmental factors which affect sperm count, motility and morphology. Many of these factors have been mentioned in ayurvedic texts. The causes of low sperm count are briefly explained below.
Age : Innumerable researches have been conducted to determine the effect of ageing process on male fertility. A decrease in male fertility has been noted as age progresses. Maintenance of good health by following healthy lifestyle and diet retards ageing process. The rate of fertilization starts falling down for men who are above 40.
Hence " Vajikarana Therapy" is recommended in ayurveda for men who are above 20 and below 70 to maintain optimum sexual activity and number of healthy sperms. Vajikarana Therapy recommends herbal preparations which are aphrodisiac. Vajikarana therapy increases sperm count, sperm motility and quantity of semen. This therapy is helpful in erectile dysfunction.
Overheating of testicles:
Overheating of testicles due to high fever, hot water bath, saunas, tight pants or under garments can cause low sperm count. The Testes (two egg-shaped structures) remain in the Scrotum, outside the body, where the temperature is about 3 degrees C, cooler than the body internal temperature (27 degrees C. Sperm development in the Testes Requires the Lower Temperature.). Hence any factor which increases the temperature of testicles causes low sperm count.
According to Sushrutacharya Testicles are made of Kapha and Medha (fat). Increased heat imbalances kapha and medha, thus affecting sperm production.
* Cocaine and Marijuana reduce sperm motility and sperm count by as much as 50%. * Smoking reduces sperm count, sperm motility and also causes genetic changes. Smoking causes low sex drive, erectile dysfunction or impotence. * Alcohol can damage sperms. Hence alcohol intake should be reduced to increase fertility.
Diet and Life Styles:
* Stress at work place or in family, strained relation ship, lubricants or spermicides used in condoms and physical stress can temporarily cause low sperm count.* Malnutrition and nutrient deficiencies cause low sperm count. Deficiency of Vitamin C, Zinc, selenium etc can reduce sperm count.* Bicycling can cause low sperm count, as testicles and scrotum may get injured during riding.* Some studies have revealed that obesity may be a cause for low sperm count.
Genetic factors :
1. Malformed organs or tissues in male reproductive system.2. Obstruction of semen carrying tubes.3. Persons with 1 extra X chromosome (Normal chromosome in man is 1 X and 1 Y chromosome)
Environmental factors :
1. Overexposure to toxins, chemicals and infections. Pesticides, hydrocarbons and mumps in adult hood can cause low sperm count.2. Chronic exposure to heavy metals like lead, arsenic or cadmium can cause low sperm count.3. Radiations and X-rays affect sperm producing cells.
Varicocele :
Vericose vein in the cord of the testicle can cause low sperm count.
Acharya Charaka in his ayurvedic text, mentions the following factors as causes for low quality of semen.
Jaraayaa Chintaaya shukram vyadhibhihi karmakarshanaat |Kshayam gacchatyanashanaat sthreenaam chaatinishevanaath ||
* Old age* Worry* Diseases* Exertion* Fasting* Over indulgence in sexual act* Grief* Strained relationship.
Orignal From: Q&A: is varicocele dangerous ? please please help me i am very tense.?
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