Can you join the military with varicocele veins?
Can you join the military with varicocele veins?
Scrotal varicoceles occur when the veins that drain a testicle are enlarged. There are four grades of varicocele. Subclinical grade is a varicocele which is detectable with ultrasound. Grade 1 is detectable by touch only with valsalva, as when coughing or bearing down. Grade 2 is detectable by touch without valsalva, as when lying down or at rest. Grade 3 can be seen with the eye, and obvious without feeling them. They are more common on the left, since the left spermatic vein drains to the left renal vein which has more pressure than where the right drains; the inferior vena cava. Varicoceles can affect fertility by lowering sperm count and motlity. Other than that, they are benign and wouldn't require treatment unless fertility is an issue or they are bothersome in some way. So far as military service, you have to decide if you want to be in the military or not. If you do then go see the recruiter. A physical is part of the process of joining the military, and if they think you should get something done they will let you know. Uncomplicated surgeries to correct varicocele have no long-term effects.What's the best way to reduce pain with varicose veins (varicocele) in men?
I don't know if it appropriate for men but this is proven to reduce pain and swelling.
Compression stockings
These may relieve the swelling and aching of your legs but do not prevent more varicose veins from developing. They need to be worn during the day and are taken off at night. Graduated compression stockings are tightest at the ankle and get gradually looser further up the leg. These help the blood to flow up towards the heart.
Compression stockings are available in various sizes and pressures and it is very important that they fit you properly. They are made to fit your calf diameter, not foot size. Your GP or pharmacist can provide advice.
Some people find compression stockings difficult to put on. There are tools available to help, or you could ask for help from a partner or friend. Stockings can be uncomfortable, especially in hot weather. But there is no point in wearing them rolled down.go to your urologist there is a simple surgery that can get rid of your varicocele called a varicocelectomy. Very quick. In the mean time try a jock support
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Men usually do not come to know that they have varicose veins in the scrotum (varicocele) till the time when they are unable to impregnate the female partner and then evaluated for infertility. Infertility may affect 1 in 6 couples, and in approximately 40% of cases, it is due to issues found in male fertility. Moreover, among those 40% cases, varicoceles can occur in 15% of males facing infertility. However, the good news is that there are fertility treatment options to treat infertility caused due to a varicocele.