


all your concerns are unfounded, concentrate on your work.I have a varicocele and I want it sorted out but...?

If it happened to me, I wouldn't wait; I would get diagnosed and treated ASAP.

It might be something else, and there's no point in suffering.Varicoceles can be operated on using a non-invasive technique. They map out the blood vessels by injecting a type of dye. They identify vessels that can be safely catheterized (sealed). This reduces the number of blood vessels in the varicocele and can essentially cure you of that bundled mass. For me, I don't care about it anymore. It started when I was in my teens and it freaked me out, I had mild pain every now and then. Now, no one really notices it. It's not going to "work itself out". If you have a lot of pain you should opt for surgery, your doctor will probably suggest as much.

Email me about any updates. Since I've had them forever, I'm interested in learning what they say.

Orignal From: Varicocele?

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