
Male Sterility in Higher Plants (Monographs on Theoretical and Applied Genetics)

Male Sterility in Higher Plants (Monographs on Theoretical and Applied Genetics)

List Price: $ 352.00

Price: $ 352.00

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male sterility

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How to conceive a child by male sterility? IVF+ICSI

ivf.isida.ua The IVF+ICSI method has been developed to remedy severe forms of male infertility. Special micro tools are used to inject one spermatozoon directly into the egg. Answers questions about preimplantation genetic diagnosis: Viktor Zinchenko, MD Chief of assisted conception unit
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Remedies of Sterility

Article by harryjackson9

Sterility is the inability to conceive children and applies equally to men who are unable to impregnate a woman in order to enable to conceive. But the term is applied frequently in case of women only. It is also known as infertility. The preliminary step in treating sterility is to determine whether the problem lies with the male or the female partner.

Sterility is of two basic types. One is known as primary sterility and the other is secondary sterility. In primary sterility the couple has never conceived a child. The secondary sterility occurs when the couple has conceived a child, but has had a miscarriage. Primary sterility can be due to the male or the female partner; but secondary sterility is only due to problems with the woman's reproductive system. Here in this article, you will find information about sterility and its responsible factors.

Due to advances made in medical sciences, sterility can be removed and cured if basic cause pertains to some organic defect. In most of the cases, it is the man who is at fault and not the woman. No doubt, atrophy of fallopian tube is still an unresolved problem but other organic defects can be successfully encountered. An adept gynecologist can easily deduce the cause of sterility and remove the cause by surgical or other means, but timely detection and proper treatment is of paramount importance; hence corrective and curative measures must not be delayed.

Certain women nurture innate hatred towards male sex, due to which factor they fail to reach orgasm, thereby impeding the process of onset of pregnancy. Inbuilt inhibitions, fear psychosis, like enormous length of male organ, imagined pain during coitus, resulting in spasms, fits or pains or even avoidance of coitus, are the other factors that could render a woman sterile. The husband should try to set at rest all the fears, inhibitions and imagined problems by sustained persuasion, love, affection, sympathy and reassurance. He should not behave like a stud, but a sympathetic, considerate and caring husband. Rest of the problems can be taken care of by the doctor.

In male, systematic diseases like diabetes and obesity; endocrine disorders like pituitary infantilism, hypothyroidism, adrenal hyperplasia are important causes. Similarly factors like heavy smoking, alcoholism, nervous tension about sex, and psychological problems can also be responsible. Genital factors like defective spermatogenesis, testicular atrophy following mumps; infections like gonococcal and tubercular in the genital tract, and aging above 45 can cause this disorder. The normal semen shows sperm count 60 to 120 million per ml with motility 80 to 90 percent.Azospermia denotes absense of sperms. Oligospermia is mild when the count is 80 million, moderate 50 million and severe when less than 5 million per ml.

In Female, systematic diseases sufficient to suppress the ovulation and age above 40 are very common causes. Endocrine factors like frohlich's syndrome, psychological factors like fear, and nervousness can also cause this problem. Genital factors like narrow vaginal introitus, vaginal atresia, high vaginal acidity, cervical, uterine, tubal, and ovarian disorders can cause sterility in females.Excessive ejaculation is very detrimental to overall optimal male health. Sperm contains the elixir of life (vitality) and constant loss of this special elixir causes a man to age prematurely. His hair thins, balds and turns grey, his teeth begin to fall out, his hearing and sight becomes bad, he's constantly fatigued or feeling lethargic, and prone to many sicknesses that claim his health.

Celibacy or temporary periods of sexual (or ejaculatory) fasting allows the spark plugs of the genitals to recharge (rejuvenate and revitalize), in addition to allowing sperm count and production to increase. Celibacy is also warranted to help heal from STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), which is the number one cause of chronic degeneracy of the male sex gland and reproductive system. Chronic sores, bumps, blisters, inflammation, discharges, and rashes debilitate the physical makeup of the male (and female) sex glands or organs and entire reproductive system and are greatly implicated in sterility and infertility.

As a street minister back in the day or in my embryonic conscious days, I used to warn young African-American males to leave certain beer brands (Old English, St. Ides, etc.) and fried chicken sold exclusively in black urban areas alone due to the chemical substance "potassium nitrate" being heavily laced in these products to curb birth rates or population growth of African-Americans who were deemed useless eaters, expendable, or undesirables by government eugenicists covertly working in the food industry. Potassium nitrate was once used in the food of the U.S. military apparatus. Potassium nitrate is commonly known as "salt peter" which makes the penis limp. The U.S. government allowed this substance in the food of male military members to help curb the high rape rate of foreign women by U.S. military men. Potassium nitrate makes for a very controversial subject with some people agreeing that it has an adverse effect on the male apparatus (penis) and others disagreeing. Based upon my research I agree that it does in fact have an adverse effect on the male apparatus.

Causes of Sterility

* Removal of ovaries/fallopian tubes* Non-production of ovum* Sexual coldness or unresponsiveness* Frequent abortions* Deranged position of uterus* Some ailments of chronic nature* Some hormonal disturbances* Consequence of some accident, etc.

Orignal From: Male Sterility in Higher Plants (Monographs on Theoretical and Applied Genetics)

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