
Can Varicocele kill testicles?

Can Varicocele kill testicles?

No, varicoses cannot kill the testicles. They are merely a dilation of the veins in the scrotal sac, meaning instead of them being unseen, they now are. If it's severe, the doctors will do surgery to correct it and make it less visible and severe. The same thing happens in the legs and if it gets too severe, surgery can happen.
I doubt your libido would be affected by this or your testicles shrinking. It's probably all in your mind, which I wouldn't be surprised at if you're nervous about the state of your testicles. If you're truly that worried, feel free to talk to your Urologists' again and see what they say. Below I have listed some websites that will be helpful to you. Read thoroughly through this and other sites and books you may find and you'll see what exactly it is and how it effects the body. Hope this helps.Testicular ultrasound?

Not a doctor.
I recommend rest and ibuprofen.
Stay away from the gym, unless you are doing low impact cardio, like stationary bike, or if you feel up to it, walk on the treadmill or use the elliptical machine.
You can do dumbell workout if you feel. If that's too easy for you, I challenge you to do it on a stability ball.
I had a personal trainer once who worked me on a stability ball. When I complained I didn't think I felt sore enough after my workouts, she kicked my trash. She put me through the most intense workout, using nothing but a stability ball and free weights.
That changed my attitude. Now I am a personal trainer too. That's off the subject. Sorry you are facing this problem and I wish you luck, man.

Orignal From: Can Varicocele kill testicles?

1 comment:

  1. Men usually do not come to know that they have varicose veins in the scrotum (varicocele) till the time when they are unable to impregnate the female partner and then evaluated for infertility. Infertility may affect 1 in 6 couples, and in approximately 40% of cases, it is due to issues found in male fertility. Moreover, among those 40% cases, varicoceles can occur in 15% of males facing infertility. However, the good news is that there are fertility treatment options to treat infertility caused due to a varicocele.
