
I have a varicocele. I feel discomfort in the veins of my right testicle. What do I do?

I have a varicocele. I feel discomfort in the veins of my right testicle. What do I do?

around 15% of men have this. usually the first thing they tell you to do is ditch the boxers so your balls don't hang and thus get sore. i think that *tight* underwear might be extreme though. try normal fitting briefs or boxer briefs for a while and see how that goes. if you still have discomfort, i'd call back the doctor. there are outpatient surgical options that aren't too bad, but most people don't need this.

just for future reference, a small percentage of varicocele patients have decreased sperm counts. this is because the varicocele keeps warm blood in the scrotum and prevents sperm from being produced. fortunately, this is remedied by having the outpatient procedure done. however, like i said, most people don't need the procedure.Varicocele on my left testicle side?


Varicoceles may be managed with a scrotal support (e.g. jockstrap, briefs). However, if pain continues or if infertility or testicular atrophy results, the varicocele may need to be surgically ligated (tied off). A vasotonic drug is preferred in addition to the scrotal support.

Sew up wound after varicocele surgeryVaricocelectomy, the surgical correction of a varicocele, is performed on an outpatient basis.[6] The three most common approaches are inguinal (groin), retroperitoneal (abdominal), and infrainguinal/subinguinal (below the groin). Various other techniques may be used. Ice packs should be kept to the area for the first 24 hours after surgery to reduce swelling. The patient may be advised to wear a scrotal support for some time after surgery.

Possible complications of this procedure include hematoma (bleeding into tissues), infection, or injury to the scrotal tissue or structures. In addition, injury to the artery that supplies the testicle may occur.

An alternative to surgery is embolization,[7] a minimally invasive treatment for varicocele that is performed by an interventional radiologist. This involves passing a small wire through a peripheral vein and into the abdominal veins that drain the testes. Through a small flexible catheter, this doctor can obstruct the veins so that the increased pressures from the abdomen are no longer transmitted to the testicles. The testicles then drain through smaller collateral veins. The recovery period is significantly less than with surgery and the risk of complications is minimised. However, overall effectiveness is not as high as surgery, which is still an option.

Embolization is an effective treatment for post-surgical varicoceles. These are varicoceles that reappear after they have been surgically repaired. The main theory is the presence of redundant gonadal veins that provide collateralization cause the reappearance of the varicoceles. The use of NBCA glues during the embolization is as effective at embolizing these collaterals as coils. [8]

Two Israeli doctors, Yigal Gat and Menahem Goren have developed the Gat-Goren nonsurgical method for treating varicoceles. During the procedure, performed under local anesthesia, a catheter is inserted through a vein in the upper thigh. Fluid injected through the catheter selectively closes off the malfunctioning veins, thus enabling the testicular tissues to recover and begin to produce normal sperm in normal amounts. The procedure lasts one to two hours and causes almost no discomfort. The patient can return to his regular routine within 48 hours. [9]

[edit] Prognosis
Varicocele is usually harmless except in cases of infertility. If surgery is required because of infertility or testicular atrophy, the outlook is usually excellent. Removal of varicocele can lead to normal testicular temperatures and an increased sperm production.[10] Despite this, recent research (as discussed below) has resulted in doubts if treatment of the condition using this method actually improves fertility.

SCWIDHave your parents consult a doctor in the states to get a second opinion. Find out if they can treat it here in the US.

Orignal From: I have a varicocele. I feel discomfort in the veins of my right testicle. What do I do?

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