
Q&A: What is Immunocal and does it support male infertility?

What is Immunocal and does it support male infertility?

that thing got nothing to do with infertility and some MDs r wrong bout it
The Causes of Male Infertility

Article by Mason Anthony

The couple called infertile if pregnancy has not occurred after married 1 year or more, with a record of the couple having sex on a regular basis without tools kontrasepsi.Infertilitas married couples is approximately 10-15% of couples of childbearing age. Approximately half of that amount caused by male factors. In the past most of the assumptions mentioned that the main cause of infertility is the woman's partner. This view changed recently is the problem that infertiltas couples, the husband and wife.

Cause infertiltas man among others, because of the potential and the potential coendi generandi, namely constraints on the components to produce seed cells and the failure to be able to have sex. Thus the male infertility treatment attempted to raise a second potential.

Generandi potential causes of failure include pre factor testicular, testicular and post testicular. Factors such as pre testicular abnormalities that occur in the area before the testis such as the hypothalamus and pituitary (secondary hypogonadism). Testicular abnormalities are abnormalities found in the testes of primary hypogonadism. Various genetic disorders, congenital disorders, infections, radiation, drugs, trauma and aging processes, including movement of primary testicular disorders. Abnormalities of post-testicular abnormalities in the region after testicular for example epididymis, seminal vesika, prostate and accessory sex glands.

To view the causes of male infertility can be done by examination of sperm analysis. All elements in the analysis of sperm could potentially singly or together to affect a man's fertility status. Results of sperm analysis coupled with the history, physical examination, general laboratory and andrology laboratory can be a tool to determine cases of male infertility. The cause of male infertility due to sexual dysfunction can be a vascular abnormality, neurological, systemic disease, endocrine disorders, diseases of the penis or the presence of psychological disorders. Several types of certain drugs have been known to have side effects such as sexual dysfunction.

Attempts to overcome male infertility has been done by many parties and the WHO has created a guide to the management of male infertility. But it is known that nearly half of the causes of male infertility is unknown, so that treatment can not be directed properly. Besides, many of the abnormalities that cause male infertility can not be treated or treatment is not very effective. So in general so far can be said male infertility treatment outcomes are still disappointing.

For example, for regular treatment with male factor infertility, the pregnancy rate per cycle of about 3%. This means that of 100 men treated in the first month then managed to impregnate his wife who is 3. It seems quite a bit, but this is a process of natural reproduction that will repeat and continue to grow each month. Cumulatively, about 30 people a year successfully and within 2 years as a whole 50 people succeed. After 2 years this figure numbers usually will not be much increased, so that there are still 50% of men who have succeeded despite having eliminated the cause. Therefore another alternative pursued through engineering to enhance male reproductive ability with technology that is generally called the Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART).

ART plays an important role in male infertility treatment, not only because it is a course of treatment is quite successful, but also has a diagnostic value to test the ability of spermatozoa fertility as in the method of in-vitro fertilization (IVF). Indications ART for male factor infertility may include immunologic, oligo-/ astheno-/ terato zoospermia and idiopathic male infertility who failed to causal treatment.

With the success of intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), then the indication extends to almost all problems including OAT severe male infertility, fertilization failure in IVF even for both obstructive azoospermia and non-obstructive.

There are several kinds of treatment methods where each method has advantages and limitations of their own. The method is simple enough IUI, requires a much lower cost and can be repeated several times, but the low success rate and the terms should not be clogged fallopian tubes and sperm quality is not too bad. While the method of IVF-ET can be done on dead-end oviduct and sperm quality is relatively less. Another advantage of fertilization could be observed to assess the fertilization potential of sperm and egg cells. Figures pregnancy is not too high. ICSI method certainly is an option for very severe sperm abnormality with the highest success, but its limitations are the need of sophisticated equipment and expensive.

ICSI can be performed in men with azoospermia using sperm from the epididymis through the procedure MESA (Microsurgically Epididymal Sperm Aspiration) and also from the testes through the procedure Tese (Testicular Sperm Extraction). Success rate for couples is usually expressed with pregnancy rate per cycle.

With the technology available at this time, not all couples who follow this program will become pregnant. On the other hand, many couples who are not pregnant may be pregnant with this engineering process.

Orignal From: Q&A: What is Immunocal and does it support male infertility?

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