
Hurting Varicocele- does this mean my testicles are already being damaged?

Hurting Varicocele- does this mean my testicles are already being damaged?

I had one removed abouit 25 years ago due to a fertility problem. Did not know I had it until I went to the doctor. After it was removed, my fertility did not improve and we were lucky enough to adopt 2 boys. To my knowledge, it would not have any effect on testosterone levels or effect the size of your testicles. I remember the doctor told me that there would not be any side effects later in life if I did not have the operation. Infertility was the only side effect. He told me that the operation increased fertility about 50 percent of the time. However, I was in the unlucky 50 percent.
I would not worry about anything until you see your doctor. If it was anything that needed immediate attention, they would have asked to see you sooner. Good luck.Varicocele are dilated veins draining the testicle. They are often seen in people who carry heavy weights but not in all. They are located at the surface of the testicle and does not affect fertility nor the production of the sperm unless they press on the tube ( vas deferens) that carry sperm outward. It causes pain because it increases in size. Surgery is the only treatment.Talk about bad advice and answers from the others. Yes varicoceles does cause testicular athrophy, and no it is not caused by weight lifing as the other poster said. It starts during puberty. Basically its bad valves in the veins leading away from the testicles which enlarge because of that. See a male infertility urologist to have them check you out. After surgery most of the affects can be reversed including the athrophy. I had the micro-surgical procedure which has the highest success rates. Its a fairly recent procedure. If you dont take care of it, it is progressive so the affects will only get worse, and it is linked to low sperm count. Also it does affect testosterone production. People post sugery there testosterone levels increased proportioned to the size of the varicocele. The larger the higher the boost after. Dont listen to the other 2 posters its all false information.

Also the veins are not on the testicle its on the spermatic cord leading away from the testicle

Check out the link i put in as a source.Is testicular atrophy painful ?

yes it will cause pain.good on your mum....have em cut off it will solve your problem

Orignal From: Hurting Varicocele- does this mean my testicles are already being damaged?

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