
Can varicoceles go away after puberty?

Can varicoceles go away after puberty?

They don't affect fertility, they're just varicose veins in your scrotum. But they don't go away by themselves, they need a doctor's treatment, either stripping or draining.They don't go away, although mine ache and are swollen less often now I'm older. They can affect fertility but don't always. Are they swollen all the time or do they come up and go down? Mine used to swell after physical activity or if I ejaculated too often. This would probably affect fertility because it's the warm pocket of blood near the testicle that keeps the temperature higher than is optimal for sperm production. I had fertility problems but more because of the viscosity of my semen than the sperm themselves. The varicoceles can be treated without damaging the testicles.No, you've got to have surgery. I developed it when I was 15, and got surgery when I was older and now I have to kids.

I suggest you go two an Urologist and have it checkedVaricoceles and sports- can they go together?

Varicocele occurs in about 10% of the male population and generally do not cause much of a problem but, can lead to low sperm counts causing some risk for infertility. That is because the heavy network of veins (varicoceles) then cause the testicles to be surrounded by these dilated blood vessels which increases the blood flow to the area. This causes "global warming" of the testicles so to speak. Hot baths and heated exercise dilates vessels....look at your arms after a good workout. I dont know if it really would make the condition that much worse for the benefit you would gain by participating in sports (as your doctor thinks). Most men don't really have a major problem with it till they are in their 20's or 30's before it is noticed. [ It is not like it isn't something that couldn't be watched/felt ...to see if it is getting worse]. I tend to think if you are going to get it you will anyway. This is sort of like getting varicose veins on your legs....they tend to be familial and progress with age as the valves in the veins gradually become incompetent with age.

Go see a Urologist.....they are the specialists...they could give you insight you need. There are some new procedures for managing this occlusive embolism on the internal spermatic vein. But I think it is wise not to jump in on a new procedure till it has been road tested for awhile.

My guess is they will tell you to go have fun and get healthy with sports...address it AFTER it gradually progresses as with most people when they are older. Swimming might be an alternative...since the cool pool water would keep the testicular environment cooler during heated exercise (that might be a compromise).

Not that you would...but you never want to apply anything restrictive around your scrotum that would act like a tourniquet...that would really excerbate the problem. (There are sexual toys on the market of that nature).

Good Luck! ...the urologist is the one with all the specific knowledge to help you.

Orignal From: Can varicoceles go away after puberty?

1 comment:

  1. Men usually do not come to know that they have varicose veins in the scrotum (varicocele) till the time when they are unable to impregnate the female partner and then evaluated for infertility. Infertility may affect 1 in 6 couples, and in approximately 40% of cases, it is due to issues found in male fertility. Moreover, among those 40% cases, varicoceles can occur in 15% of males facing infertility. However, the good news is that there are fertility treatment options to treat infertility caused due to a varicocele.
