
10 days ago, I had an ultrasound to find out what this lump in my scrotom is and i have no clue what it means.

10 days ago, I had an ultrasound to find out what this lump in my scrotom is and i have no clue what it means.

It means that you have dilated vessels on your left scrotum with some mild fluids. The important thing is that testicular flow is normal which ruled you out for testicular torsion which is a medical emergency. Left sided varicoceles are pretty common in up to 20% of all males. In 30% of infertile men, it MAY be the cause. Not all varicoceles cause infertility and not all require correction. Management ranges from doing nothing to surgical depending on the age & exact clinical presentation but most of the time, you don't do anything about it. I hope this eases your anxiety a bit until you see your MD.Valsalva maneuver is an action performed where you exhale against your blocked nose and mouth. You might remember them making you do that. It has the effect of momentarily increasing your blood pressure. Blood vessels are mentioned because the Varicocele is a condition of swollen blood vessels in the scrotum. It's not life threatening but get it fixed, it's a simple operation.

Oh and it's also very common, so don't panicFirst off you are in the Air Force

and even if your doctor is out of the country on maneuvers you will be given another doctor to care for you Campus I mean TriCare has that built in.

I do not know what base you are on but even if you for some strange reason do not have an on base medical unit there is a back up in place to handle any type problem any Air Men will have.

Ask your OD or any other air men there that you do not even know. That way you will be given the feeling of privacy for him not knowing who you are.

And your fellow airmen and you are a family and take care of each other SO USE your family that you have all around you.

Ask and you shall find out.

We the wife and I are going to Wright Pat this after noon to the Bx and Cx to do our bi monthly shopping
I am retired U.S. Coast Guard And use any men or women in any service for assistance

when we are on any base flying Space A and we do need help a lot of times then and have

never never been disappointed in how an Air Men has handled our problems.
So I tell you thank you cause you may have been on a base we were at one time and you unknowingly help us. When ask where is the BX.
-- -- -- -- --
Oh and by the way I retired when in 1996 after 30 years and got 100% medical coverage we fly to England free stay at Roal air base there
Travel to Hawaii Space A free
Go on special rate cruses we get from the air base in Dayton Wright pat
And got a check for the rest of my life coming in
And I am retired
And while you are in you want a rase take a test don't like where you are stationed at put in for a tranfer
You can not get laid off
Your company will not be sold to a foriegn company
You will not be evicted from your home while still in
So Why would you want to have to work till you are 70 years old to retire in the outside world so to say?

Orignal From: 10 days ago, I had an ultrasound to find out what this lump in my scrotom is and i have no clue what it means.

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