
What are the chances that i am infertile from having Varicocele? its a large one thats been 2 years+?

What are the chances that i am infertile from having Varicocele? its a large one thats been 2 years+?

i dont think it ever causes infertility . . . if it does im screwed . . lol. I say, the bigger the varicocele, the bigger the man!! lolIf it's a large one and you've had it for quite a while, then chances are that it has caused TEMPORARY fertility problems.

It's not fully understood why a varicocele affects fertility, but the common thought is that the increased blood around the testes means increased temperature, and it's this increased temperature that affects the production of sperm because sperm can only be produced under very specific conditions.

The good news, though, is that once you get it treated, your sperm count should return to normal or near normal levels after several months to a year.

I wonder, have you gotten it diagnosed by your doctor or have you self diagnosed? If you haven't gone to your doctor you should go as soon as possible.

I had (well, still have) a varicocele and I got it treated on Wednesday. I had the embolization to treat it. When I first went to my doc with it I was quite nervous, mostly because I have had it for quite a while, it was very large and literally unmissable when you looked at my testicles. I was pleasantly surprised when my doc didn't bat an eyelid. Having to show my balls to my doc was a bit weird, but my doc acted as though it's totally normal, BECAUSE IT IS! She didn't care that she was staring at my balls.

After that, I went to a consultant in the hospital, and by then I didn't care a bit about having to show it to my doctor because I realized that doctors are looking at testicles an b00bs and vaginas and a**holes all day every day. In fact, I'm sure they'd prefer to get an eye-full of balls rather than an eye-full of something else!

If you haven't yet, please go to your doctor and get it treated. You'll realize how simple it is once you've done it!varicocele how to identify ?

So what if you find one? Will you proceed to fix it in your bathroom? The best thing here would be to "man up" and go see a physician and get it looked at. These are for the most part just a harmless problem and many men do not get them treated at all.

Symptoms of a varicocele may include:
Dragging-like or aching pain within scrotum.
Feeling of heaviness in the testicle(s)
Atrophy (shrinking) of the testicle(s)
Visible or palpable (able to be felt) enlarged vein, likened to feeling a bag of worms

You may want to cruise around wikipedia and read up on some of the things that you have adressed here. Good Luck.
Infertility - What Every Man Needs to Know

Article by Dr. Mital John

Orignal From: What are the chances that i am infertile from having Varicocele? its a large one thats been 2 years+?

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