
Q&A: Will my testicular pain eventually subside? or am I doomed to have constant pain for the rest of my life?

Will my testicular pain eventually subside? or am I doomed to have constant pain for the rest of my life?

yes sir, had a hardcore pain during christmas.. got checked out and i had a varicole on mr. lefty along with a hydrocele.

when i masturbate i get a heated pain kind of feeling. i cant really ram into a girl without feeling the burning sensation.

the pain comes and goes, sometimes it'll be weeks and i think im completely painfree so i jerk off as i normally wudd have and the pain comes back.

it SUCKS! i have an appointment with a urologist in august to talk about surgery to get rid of the varicocele.

but yeah. pain comes and goes but it will be there FOREVER without surgery =[

not a cool spot to be in. i feel for ya. i cant even afford the surgery since i have no med. insurance so i may finance it if its not too much, i think its worth it.No sperm after varicocele repair?

I know it is frustrating but this type of surgery is NEVER a guarantee of fertility; just something that can be done in hopes of allowing sperm in the ejaculate but removing the obstruction. It certainly sounds to me like testicular failure due to low testosterone, no sperm, and small testes. You may want to seek care at a tertiary care center (like a university hospital or specialty clinic for infertility) if you are going to pursue it further for epididymal (epididymis) exploration. The swelling that he had is pretty common postoperatively as it is considered a major surgery. They may consider testosterone replacement but I am not sure what, if any, affect that would have on his fertility as we are not fertility specialists. He should have had blood tests too incluidng an FSH, serum testosterone, and others. Definitely ask for a referral to a fertility clinic but you may want to wait another three months to give another specimen to see because it could take that long for him to internally heal from this surgery.

Orignal From: Q&A: Will my testicular pain eventually subside? or am I doomed to have constant pain for the rest of my life?

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