Start with your regular doctor. He/she should be able to refer you to some place close. If not, then check with the OB/GYN department at your local clinic. They will be able to give you the information, and they may actually do it themselves.Well, I don't know how much it costs but I can say with near certainty that there is no insurance that will cover a fertility test without first having a health related reason on having the test.
Just because you are concerned about the future does not mean you need to have a test performed. I'd say in order to get almost any insurance to cover a test you must first be trying to conceive, many times, over a fairly long period of time. Even then if you aren't able to conceive insurance company will probably require evidence that the female in the relationship has been examined by a physician first and that she has gone through all the tests to insure she is healthy and not the cause for the inability to conceive. Then they will probably require that you have had a physical and insure that every part of your reproductive system is up to par and that you are doing everything you can do to insure that you are healthy enough as well. Then, if a doctor recommends it, you may be permitted to have a fertility test done.
The only exceptions I can think of is if you have had cancer treatments and received chemotherapy which has been proven to cause male infertility. The insurance may cover a fertility test for that.
May I ask why you feel you need a test? I know my brother-in-law was concerned about being infertile as he was a heavy drug user and then came clean but was concerned that he couldn't conceive. Well, it was determined that his ex-wife was the one not able to conceive as he got his new girlfriend pregnant fairly quickly.
I hope my answer helped you out!
Good luck!:)Most hospitals have a fertility clinic, in which you can get your sperm tested. Firstly though, you need to see your family doctor to get a referral.Definately have your sperm check for fertility, but remember one thing......each mans sperm is different in thickness, consistancy, and sperm count. Perhaps the g/f had problems that prevented her from becoming pregnant. It may not have been your 'fault'...not that you were trying to conceive.As pretty much everyone has said already, you need to see a doctor. The doctor will direct you as to who can test your men or the degree to which you are capable of making a woman pregnant. Also as others have previously stated, the pregnancy thing might be because of her and not you. Some women cannot get pregnant without the help of modern medicine like inveetro or having a surrogate mother. There is a disease called Turners Syndrome. A woman very close to my heart has this disease. Because of it, she cannot bear children without inveetro or adopting or having another woman carry the child for her (a surrogate mother).Try finding a Planned Parenthood nearest you. These clinics
are government runned; and are usually low cost. I dont know
if they handle fertility; but they could probably direct you to the
right place if not. Good Luck!!fertility?
If you are underweight you could be suffering from amenorrhea. That means that you stop having your periods. Other reasons can be PCOS. eTC. Talk to a doctor or a nurse at school or college who can help you better. If you dont fix it now you will have a challenge trying to concieve later. Good luckI dont think you should be keeping the problem to yourself. Go see a doc. Im sorry i dont know much about this girl thing. But I'll pray everything is fine with you.
Natural Fertilizers for Luscious Lawns and Gardens
Article by Natural Fertilizer Guy
Growing a beautiful garden and a luscious lawn is within reach of every home gardener. While it might be easiest to reach for conventional fertilizers and pesticides to maintain your urban oasis, for the sake of your health, the health of your children, and your drinking water supply, it makes sense to take a look at different methods of maintenance.
It's Easy Being Green
The beautiful, lush, green look of lawns comes from a correct balance of nutrients. Depending upon the type of grass in your yard, you will need to apply fertilizer at different times of the year. The coveted green look comes from correct applications of nitrogen. Many types of grasses are nitrogen guzzlers. Cool-season grass like bluegrass and winter rye grass love nitrogen when the weather is nice and cool, but burn easily if over-fertilized during the summer. All grasses benefit from slow-release varieties of fertilizer so that they do not get burned.
Salting Your Grass
Did you know that when you apply synthetic fertilizer, you are essentially salting your grass? Man-made fertilizers are composed partially of salts. Just as people benefit from a low-sodium diet, so does your yard! A great alternative to synthetic fertilizer are natural fertilizers made from biological components. There are several ways to achieve a natural fertilization of your yard. Cutting your grass with a mulching mower and leaving the grass clippings returns about two pounds of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet each year. You will still need supplemental fertilizer, but mulching mowers make a big dent in nitrogen needs. Natural fertilizers are a great option to supplement grass clippings.
Types of Natural Fertilizers
Natural fertilizers are made from materials that occur in nature. Fish emulsion, seaweed, plant hormones and other compounds compose natural fertilizers. As with any concentrated product, it is important to read the label and apply correctly, but overall, natural fertilizers are much safer than their synthetic counterparts. Natural fertilizers decompose more quickly than synthetic fertilizers, meaning that they do not persist in the environment and cause harm. Some natural fertilizers use formulas high in micronutrients, which are nutrients that regulate physiological function in plants, and are sometimes not available in high enough quantities in the soil. Other natural fertilizers use plant hormones to encourage plant growth in ways favorable to fruit production and nutrient concentration.
What makes Natural Fertilizers Safe?
Natural fertilizers are, on the whole, safer than synthetic fertilizers. Synthetic fertilizers are concentrated chemicals that persist within fatty tissue when absorbed or ingested. You cannot put down a broadcast, slow release fertilizer and then play tunnel-tag or touch football in the yard. Natural fertilizers are made from plant and animal products that do not persist in tissue and are broken down by soil organisms and absorbed quickly by plants. You could fertilize your yard with a natural fertilizer made from seaweed and enjoy a tranquil yoga session shortly thereafter.
Less Work in the Long Run
Perhaps the most beneficial aspect to using natural fertilizers on your lawn and in you garden is that you will continue to build good soil structure. By using natural fertilizer, you will not overwhelm soil organisms that make nutrients available through their metabolic processes. You will add organic matter to the soil which improves drainage and root penetration. The healthier your soil is, the healthier your plants will be. By not using synthetic fertilizers and chemicals that are toxic to beneficial insects, you will maintain ecological balance in your yard. Over a growing season, and several growing seasons, your yard's natural system will become more and more balanced, meaning less work for you and better results. You can't beat that!
Orignal From: Fertility?
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